Performing Arts

Welcome to the Bayfield High School Performing Arts Department!
Mr. Derek C. Smith will be teaching our courses for Band (which includes both Concert and Marching Band), Jazz Band, Concert Choir, Music Theory, Appreciation and Theatre Arts.  Use the links to the right to go directly to the GOOGLE CLASSROOM environment, where much of our work will be assigned and turned in.
All of Mr. Smith's classes- Concert Band, Jazz Band, Concert Choir, Music Appreciation, and Theatre Arts, will be taught in Google Classroom.    The links are in the menu to the right.  You must be enrolled in the class in order to access these classes.
Please use this page to keep up to date with class assignments, events, concerts, performances, practices, and other news.
Performing Arts Calendar
Here is a link to the Performing Arts Calendar for 2021-22.This calendar is updated and accurate, and should be considered the OFFICIAL site for BHS Performing Arts events.  It is updated in real time, and will always be the most current information.  It supersedes any information you may have received before.
All Performing Arts off campus events and competitions are currently scheduled to take place as usual!  Honor Groups, Festivals, Concerts, Contests, and Auditions may be subject to COVID Protocols in order to take place, but for now they are NOT cancelled!  BSD Concerts are also scheduled to take place.

This calendar may also list BHS Sports and some other school events.  These are not necessarily performing events, but they are there to help us schedule effectively around all of your busy lives!

** As of the beginning of school (AUGUST 23 2021), Bayfield Music classes in both Band and Choir WILL BE REHEARSING AS NORMAL with voice or wind instruments! 

While not required by Bayfield High School, the mitigations that were in place during the 2020-21 school year are still STRONGLY recommended.  Masking when singing, when not playing an instrument, enhanced social distancing, bell covers on wind instruments, and managing instrument moisture and hygiene continue to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, including the Delta Variant.  The "Return to Play" plan from 2020 is a very effective plan that students should consider following.  Air moves differently in a Music classroom, whether singing or playing.  Studies have shown that these mitigations are incredibly effective.  On the other hand, Bands and Choirs that do NOT take these protective measures have shown infection rates that are higher than the general public.

This situation will evolve with our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 






As of October 20, 2020, Our guidelines for safer instruction of music at school using wind instruments and singing were adopted.  For the 2021-22 school year, these guidelines are still strongly recommended.

The entire plan is three pages long, but t
here are ten things you need to know (thank you Lin-Manuel Miranda!):
1. Enhanced distancing
: 6 (formerly 15) feet is required for wind musicians (instruments and vocalists).

  1. Masks: just as important as ever. Lower masks ONLY while playing. Singers must remain masked!
  2. Instrument Covers: Woodwind instruments require cloth cover to block aerosols, brass will cover their bell.
  3. Indoor Rehearsals: There are limitations on number of students who can play wind/sing based on room size.  Our ensembles are small enough to play inside.
  4. Certain days will have specific only wind musicians participating. (This is no longer the case.  Everyone plays every day.)
  5. This may be woodwind/brass, upper/lower classmen, male/female, A-L/M-Z or other creative splits.  (This is no longer the case.  Everyone plays every day.)
  6. Non-playing members will be actively engaged in the rehearsal and learning process.
  7. Outdoor rehearsals: Weather permitting, have no limit to numbers playing.
  8. Location: Band can play in the Auditorium and Choir can sing in the Choir or Band room based on numbers. (This is no longer the case.  We will rehearse in Band Room and Choir Room, as well as outside)
  9. Indoor rehearsal times: must be limited to 30 minutes (class periods are 50).
  10. Equipment: Students will not share music, stands, or equipment. Percussion will sterilize equipment.
  11. Sanitation and hygiene. Keep your hands, face, and especially instrument very clean.
  12. Performances: Live audiences not approved (yet.) We will perform through streaming or other means. (This is no longer the case.  We will have a LOT of in person performances!  Check the BHS PERFORMING ARTS CALENDAR for details!)


There are other details, but these are the most important things to remember. Our plan is based on Colorado Department of Education (CDE) guidelines, as well as information available from the National Association for Music Education (NAfME).  Our administration and I have worked closely to refine our strategies to allow us to play and sing while maintaining as safe an environment as possible.    Please remember, this is still a global pandemic emergency, and everything at every level and school program is being done with an abundance of caution!



The quarantine period is likely to last for one to two weeks.  DISTANCE LEARNING WILL CONTINUE DURING ANY QUARANTINE.  This department will utilize the GOOGLE CLASSROOM extensively.  Please plan for instruments to come home every single day, in case we suddenly cannot return to school the next day!  BAND AND CHOIR DISTANCE LEARNING WILL REQUIRE PLAYING OR SINGING AT HOME, and you will NOT have the opportunity to return to school to retrieve an instrument!  The school will be completely off limits to students and staff.


It has been a long time since we’ve made music.  I am excited to return to play!  I hope you are as well.  Rehearsals are back; performances are back!  So, Mark your calendar to see your Performing Arts Department in action!


Always Happy, Never Satisfied,



Derek C. Smith