College Athletics

Things to Keep in Mind

  1. Coaches want to hear from you (the student) - not recruiting services
  2. Grades are important!
  3. You will want to make sure that you are taking the correct courses

Things you should do

  1. Work with your counselor to make sure you are taking NCAA approved courses
  2. Create a free NCAA profile here
  3. Create an athlete resume - Here are some examples
  4. Make a short highlight reel - this does not have to be fancy
  5. Continually update your highlight reel and resume
  6. Use Schoolinks to search for colleges you are interested in - (Parents can also create a schoolinks account - email Ms. Leithauser)
  7. Contact coaches at the colleges on your list 
  8. Fill out the colleges recruitment questionnaire for the sport you are interested in. 

Helpful Resources for Student Athletes looking to play in College